There are spaces available on our 1 day PUWER Awareness course on 25th April 2025. Call now for details 01473 822922!


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Which of the following Directives covers the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)?

What PUWER regulation number covers suitability?

What PUWER regulation number covers High and Very Low Temperatures?

What PUWER regulation number covers Maintenance Operations?

If a machine carries a CE mark, what type of declaration certificate should a PUWER assessor expect to see?

Which Essential Health and Safety Requirement in the Machinery Directive covers risk assessment?

What is the correct hierarchy for the 3 stage method according to BS EN ISO 12100?

According to EN ISO13849-1:2015, there are 3 types of criteria used to determine a Performance Level (PL). Which statement lists them in the correct order?

What is the minimum separation distance of a two hand control device un-shrouded to prevent same hand/arm operation?

When using a light curtain what is the general equation to determine the safety distance away from the hazard?

In BS EN ISO 13857:2019 which table would most likely apply when assessing a reach through a regular opening for an adult

For vertical detection zones what are the general minimum and maximum beam heights?

How many stop categories are listed under BS EN ISO 13850:2015?

What European/International standard covers Cold Surfaces?

What symbol demonstrates that an interlocking device has a positive mode of operation?

Which Essential Health and Safety Requirement in the Machinery Directive covers Isolation?