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What Do I Need to Know About The CDM Regulations?

ST & L|12/06/2023

The CDM Regulations are designed to protect construction workers from health and safety risks. Over 2 million people work in construction in the UK and the industry is one of the most dangerous industries you can work in. Therefore, the regulations have been designed to try and make workers safer. They do this by lowering risks to workers’ health, safety and wellbeing through the good management of projects.

Since 1998, ST&L have been helping companies to keep within legal safety requirements without disrupting their everyday activities. Our bespoke service includes making detailed assessments of facilities and services. We then provide a comprehensive health and safety plan. Below is our breakdown of what you need to know about the CDM Regulations.

Some of the important points


Construction design and management regulations (CDM) apply to nearly all types of construction projects. However, a few exceptions include:
Work (other than demolition) that lasts no longer than 30 days and involves no more than 500 man hours.
Domestic work (though designers must follow regulations).
Work in commercial or business premises that doesn’t interrupt normal activities.
Work on pipes, boilers or other parts of water or heating systems, except when part of a larger construction project.
Developers who build houses to sell to the domestic market, who will have duties as clients under the CDM Regulations.

Skills and experience

Clients, designers and contractors appointed to work on a project must have the right qualifications for the role. Therefore, this means they should have the skills, knowledge and experience to do their job efficiently. Under CDM these key workers are called ‘dutyholders’.


Under CDM, every dutyholder has their own specific set of duties to carry out. As well as this, they will have to coordinate and cooperate with other duty holders. In other words, the aim is to form a cohesive team to make sure they work to the CDM regulations.

Principal designer and principal contractor

If a project involves more than one contractor, a principal designer (PD) and principal contractor (PC) must be appointed. If these roles are not defined in the right way, the client will have effectively appointed themselves. This will include all the legal duties and responsibilities that go with the role. At any one time on a given project, only one PD and one PC can be appointed.

CDM notification

CDM regulations mean that some projects have to be notified to the HSE. The regulations about telling the HSE can be complicated. However, one of the benefits of ST&L’s bespoke service, is that HSE will be automatically notified if appropriate.


Every project should include pre-construction information, and this must be provided by the client. The information is about any hazards or risks which might need to be planned for and controlled. However, before the work starts, a construction phase plan must also be developed. It is the duty of the principal contractor to create this. In addition, a health and safety file must be handed over when the project is completed. This will contain information concerning the safety of people who use the building in the future. This includes workers, cleaners, maintenance people and demolition workers.

Our mission at ST&L is to help local businesses meet legal safety requirements without having to compromise on efficiency and productivity. If you’d like to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.